The University of Arizona


Your rich text toolbar may look slightly different than the ones illustrated above.

Remember to log in to your site, navigate to the page you want to edit, and click the Edit link to start editing.

Adding Links in a Text Field

To add a link to a Menu, see the Menus section of this documentation.

A link consists of two parts: the text that the user sees and clicks on, and the URL that the click action sends them to. Start by typing in the text that you want to be linked. Example: "Visit the Research area of this website" Next, click and drag to highlight the text you have typed. Then, click the "Link" icon in the toolbar above. Type in the URL of the page you are linking to. If you are linking to a page on this website, a relative URL starting with a leading slash is preferred. This type of URL will not break when the site domain changes from "" to "" For example, if you make the link URL, this link will break after the new site launches. Instead, make your link "/research" or, better yet, "/node/[nnn]" If you use "/research" and the path to that page changes, it will break, but if the link is in the form "/node/[nnn]" it will not break. If you're using relative URLs, always start with a leading slash (if in a textarea).

Text links to other websites, pages or email link

  • Scroll down to the body content field. It looks like a text editor window.
  • Highlight or enter the text that you would like to be linked.
  • Click the Add a Link button.
  • When you click on the Link button a window will pop up.
  • Select the type of link in the dropdown.
    • URL equals pages within the site or outside website
      • For pages within the site enter or paste the page url.
      • For outside web pages enter the web address and click on the Target tab at the top of the window. Select New Window.
    • Email
      • Enter the email address
  • Click OK