The University of Arizona


In most cases the "Main menu" is the one used for the top menu bar, and this menu holds most of the links.  (Structure -> Menus -> Main Menu)

When you create or edit a page (or node of other type), you can add it to the menu as follows:

  • While in Edit mode, scroll down to the bottom of the editing panel.
  • Look for a checkbox labeled "Provide a menu link" (you may have to select the "Menu settings" tab to get this checkbox).
  • Check the box.
  • Give the link a "Menu link title" (by default, this is the page title, but you can change that)
  • "Description" is not needed.
  • Under "Parent Item" use the dropdown to select where in the menu the link will appear. Most pages are "under" other pages, as the top-level links are usually set early in the process of developing a site.
  • If you need to change the order of links, you will need to edit the menu. Use the click and drag handlebars to move menu items around.

If there is a Page Display from a View that needs to be added to a menu, you can ask BioCom to do this.

If you need to add a link to a menu that is not a page on the site, for example, an external link, edit the menu and look for an "Add link" link.

For any one content type, you can make menus other than the Main Menu available from the "Provide a menu link" checkbox. To do this, edit the content type, and look for the "Menu settings" tab near the bottom. Check the box next to the additional menu or menus you want to make available to nodes of this content type.